Today is the first time I have been able to access my blog for absolutely ages! Every time I tried to log in, I have had to change the password and try to login, only to see that I have a blank dashboard and no sign of my previous posts.
So, at least my recent silence has been more to do with stoopid technology, rather than my apathy.
Quick update.... it's been a funny old year. Drifted further apart from some people and had others come back into my life. Work has been up and down too. I was let go from, what I thought was, a very secure job and have found other work, only to have to stop, while I have suffered from two prolapsed discs in my back. Not fun. The fact that I have put on a fair bit of weight might have something to do with it.
Anyway... Christmas is done now and I am filled with the fervour of new possibilities. The missus & I have joined the gym and I have to go for an epidural injection in a few weeks.
I would dearly love to get my book finished and published before summer is over, so, I kinda have my work cut out for me on that score.
Want to get moved to a bigger house in a nicer place (sorry East London, but I have had enough), want to get wedding plans sorted and hopefully start a family...
2015 - you're up!