Thursday, 26 March 2015

Fluent English speaker has bugger all to say and a million ways to say it...

I am writing this on my very lovely and very shiny new iPad. I have a rather nice laptop. I have a blog, a Twitter account and Facebook profile. I was cleaning out a drawer today and found two extremely nice notebooks that I have never written in. I have a beautiful fountain pen.

The trouble is, that even with all these outlets for creativity, I very often find myself with not a lot to write about.

I have come to the conclusion that there are two main contributing factors for this.

1) I have been unwell for a while and the effects of various painkillers, sleepless nights and being stuck indoors a lot of the time causes creativity to be somewhat stifled.

2) I have a mild fetish for new stationery.

I hope that my health will return, sooner rather than later, but I am not even slightly ashamed of my penchant for stationery items.

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